Sunday, July 25, 2010

flowers, flowers, flowers.

Floral dress

On Friday I wore this Zara dress that I bought in the sale a couple of weeks ago, and it is actually the same dress as this one that I bought in April. I felt a little silly buying the same dress, but I decided that I really like the shape of it and since it was discounted I told myself that it was okay.
I'm pretty busy at the moment as I am flying to Norway for a holiday on Tuesday (which I am beyond excited about: cool weather here I come!), and won't you believe it, I still haven't started packing. Tomorrow I'm going to have a little packing marathon between everything else that needs to be done (giving English lessons, babysitting, making purchases for the travel).

Floral dress
Floral dress
Floral dressFloral dress
Floral dress
Floral dress

Dress from Zara, socks from H&M and shoes from Chie Mihara.